Emerging Markets Economic Data (EMED) is a leading provider of economic and financial market data specializing in the world's emerging economies. EMED provides nine databases in dX format covering over 250 countries and regions across the globe.

All EMED databases (with the exception of Consensus, EuroStat and Emerging Africa) are organized into a common set of subject categories for easy cross reference. Subject categories include: National Accounts; Production, Shipment, Inventories & Orders; Land, Construction & Properties; Government Revenues & Expenditures; Domestic & Foreign Debts; Demography & Labor Market; Wholesale & Retail Trades; Inflation; Balance of Payments; Foreign Trade & Investment; Money & Banking; Interest & Exchange Rates; Household Incomes & Expenditures; Energy; Automobiles; Tourism; Economic & Business Surveys; Transportation & Communication; and Financial Markets.

Consensus Survey

EMED Consensus Survey is a monthly survey of economic forecasts for 30 major developed countries and emerging markets, by over 100 investment banks and institutional forecasters worldwide.

Emerging Africa

EMED Emerging Africa provides comprehensive economic and financial data for 54 major emerging markets in Africa.

Emerging Americas

EMED Emerging Americas provides comprehensive economic and financial data for 48 major emerging markets in Latin America.

Emerging Asia

EMED Emerging Asia provides comprehensive economic and financial data for 50 major emerging markets in Asia.

Emerging CIS

EMED Emerging CIS provides comprehensive economic and financial data for 12 major emerging markets in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Emerging EMEA

EMED Emerging EMEA provides comprehensive economic and financial data for 108 major emerging markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa.


EMED EuroStat provides comprehensive and comparable data for Europe as a whole under various definitions (EU, Euro Area, etc.) as well as for 37 individual European countries.


EMED Forecast provides comprehensive and comparable economic forecasts for 195 countries and regions based on 22 categories of topics (excluding Daily Statistics), using the TRAMO-SEATS model.

G7 & Europe

EMED G7 and Europe provides comprehensive economic and financial data for the G7 countries and the combined Euro Area.