The ABS Labour Force Statistics database contains over 60,000 detailed labour force statistics drawn from the Australian Bureau of Statistics monthly Labour Force Survey.
The ABS releases statistics from the monthly Labour Force Survey in two stages. Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery (ABS 6291.0.55.001) and Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly (ABS 6291.0.55.003) are part of the second release, and included detailed data not contained in Labour Force, Australia (ABS 6202.0). The EconData's ABS Labour Force Statistics database is based on these two detailed publications.
The database contains disaggregated statistics for the various labour force status categories (employed, unemployed, labour force, civilian population, etc.). Time series are cross-classified by various attributes including age, sex, statistical region, educational attendance, and marital status. Data is included for the six States, the two Territories, and Australia. For employed persons, data is also available classified by industry, occupation and employment status.
The database includes over 42,000 monthly time series, and over 18,000 quarterly series.
The ABS Labour Force Statistics database is updated monthly one week after the release of Labour Force, Australia (ABS 6202.0). Time series drawn from Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly (ABS 6291.0.55.003) are updated in the March, June, September and December releases.
Time series are organized into three major groupings: