Balance of Payments Statistics

This database contains balance of payments and international investment position data of individual countries, country groups and the world. Since first released in 1950, the Balance of Payments Statistics has been one of the major IMF databases along with the International Financial Statistics, Government Finance Statistics and Direction of Trade Statistics.

The standard framework for the data is currently based on the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth Edition (BPM6).


The layout of the database in dX format matches the Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook publication. The World and Regional Aggregates contain international comparison tables of key annual series. Country Tables provide more detailed annual and quarterly series for each country.

The dX format database includes the US Dollar series from the two current IMF datasets: World and Regional Aggregates (BOPAGG) and Balance of Payments (BOP).


The World and Regional Aggregates dataset is updated annually. Annual and quarterly data in the Country Tables from the BOP dataset is updated monthly.