New Zealand Time Series

Numbers of series as of the most recent release (July 26, 2024, 9:05 a.m.).

Click on each Topic to show or hide Section details.
Topic Monthly Quarterly Annual Daily Other Total
1. National Accounts   348 3,821     4,169
SNZ 51.902 - Gross Domestic Product (Quarterly)   348 195     543
SNZ 51.901 - National Accounts: Income & Expenditure (March Year)     837     837
SNZ 51.909 - National Accounts: Industry Production & Investment (March Year)     1,312     1,312
SNZ 51.908 - National Accounts: Regional Gross Domestic Product (March Year)     413     413
SNZ 51.904 - Productivity Statistics (March Year)     50     50
SNZ 51.905 - Industry Productivity Statistics (March Year)     1,014     1,014
2. Balance of Payments   840 1,541     2,381
SNZ 52.900 - Balance of Payments & International Investment Position   840       840
SNZ 52.901 - Balance of Payments & International Investment Position (March Year)     1,541     1,541
3. Overseas Trade 455 249 5     709
SNZ 53.900 - Overseas Merchandise Trade 353 10       363
SNZ 53.901 - Overseas Cargo Statistics 102         102
SNZ 53.902 - Overseas Trade Indexes: Prices   93 5     98
SNZ 53.903 - Overseas Trade Indexes: Volumes   146       146
4. Government Finance 104 71 823     998
NZT 00.001 - Taxation Receipts & Revenue 104         104
SNZ 54.902 - Local Authority Statistics   28 14     42
SNZ 54.905 - Government Finance: General Government (June Year)     504     504
SNZ KS.405 - Social Welfare Benefits & Payments (June Year)     57     57
SNZ 54.900 - District Health Board Financial Statistics   43       43
SNZ 54.901 - Crown Research Institute Statistics (June Year)     27     27
SNZ 54.001 - Crown Accounts Analysis (June Year)     94     94
SNZ NP.001 - Public Accounts (June Year)     127     127
5. Financial Markets 884 173   52 5 1,114
RBNZ Financial Statistics - B. Interest & Exchange Rates 89     52   141
RBNZ Financial Statistics - C. Monetary & Financial Statistics 795 173     5 973
6. Prices 267 1,585       1,852
SNZ 64.901 - Food Price Index 260         260
SNZ 64.904 - Rental Price Index 7         7
SNZ 64.902 - Consumers Price Index   698       698
SNZ 64.903 - Household Living-Costs Price Index   54       54
SNZ 64.900 - Business Price Indexes   833       833
7. Demography 552 148 502     1,202
SNZ 33.901 - International Travel 147   9     156
SNZ 33.902 - International Migration 173   9     182
SNZ 33.900 - International Travel and Migration (disc.) 232   9     241
SNZ 32.900 - Births and Deaths   53 29     82
SNZ 32.901 - Marriages, Civil Unions & Divorces     75     75
SNZ 32.902 - Abortion Statistics     104     104
SNZ 31.907 - National Population Estimates   95 58     153
SNZ 31.901 - Sub-National Population Estimates     209     209
8. Labour Market 69 3,404 194     3,667
SNZ 61.900 - Household Labour Force Survey   1,496       1,496
SNZ 63.900 - Employment Indicators 15         15
SNZ 63.901 - Quarterly Employment Survey   744       744
SNZ 63.903 - Labour Cost Index - Salary & Wage Rates   703       703
SNZ 63.904 - Labour Cost Index - All Labour Costs (June Quarter)   97 188     285
SNZ KS.389 - Registered Job Seekers 44 21       65
SNZ 63.905 - Linked Employer-Employee Data   333       333
SNZ 61.901 - Work Stoppages 10 10 6     26
9. Building & Construction 35 168       203
SNZ 72.900 - Building Consents Issued 35 15       50
SNZ 72.902 - Building Work Put in Place   153       153
10. Production & Distribution 360 1,292 112     1,764
SNZ 75.902 - Electronic Card Transactions 58 7 7     72
SNZ 75.900 - Retail Trade Survey 138 420       558
SNZ 75.901 - Wholesale Trade Survey   112       112
SNZ 75.903 - Other Services Survey   15       15
SNZ 74.900 - Economic Survey of Manufacturing   346       346
SNZ 74.901 - Alcohol Available for Consumption 2 60       62
SNZ 15.507 - NZ Production Statistics   99       99
SNZ 71.903 - Agricultural Production Statistics     105     105
SNZ 73.900 - NZ Energy Statistics   60       60
SNZ 75.904 - Christchurch Retail Trade Indicator   9       9
SNZ 01.503 - Business Financial Data   130       130
SNZ 01.506 - Business Activity (GST) Indicator 162 34       196
11. Transport & Tourism 112         112
SNZ KS.504 - New Motor Vehicle Registrations 26         26
SNZ 70.905 - Accommodation Survey 86         86
Total 2,838 8,278 6,998 52 5 18,171