RBA Statistics

Numbers of series as of the most recent release (July 26, 2024, 11:47 a.m.).

Click on each Topic to show or hide Section details.
Topic Monthly Quarterly Annual Daily Other Total
Statistical Tables 1,478 3,468 171 348 86 5,551
Reserve Bank of Australia 204 12 7 36 21 280
Assets and Liabilities 33 2,272 27     2,332
Payments System 292 69 32     393
Money and Credit Statistics 242 317 5     564
Household and Business Finances   56       56
Financial Markets 392 69   239 62 762
Inflation and Inflation Expectations   47       47
Output and Labour 24 46       70
International Trade and External Finance 21 65       86
Discontinued Tables 270 515 100 73 3 961
Historical Statistics     2,631     2,631
1. Balance of Payments     611     611
2. Government     390     390
3. Finance     517     517
4. Labour Market     446     446
5. Product, Expenditure, Income, Prices & Capital     571     571
1. Main Expenditure Aggregates     31     31
2. Labour Market     12     12
3. Capital Stocks     21     21
4. Money and Finance     17     17
5. Balance of Payments     11     11
6. Public Finances     4     4
Total 1,478 3,468 2,802 348 86 8,182